Alpha Phi Baby Shower

The weekend following our Evansville showers was spent in Indianapolis at the summer Phiunion and my final baby shower for Charlotte. For those of you that don’t know, I was in a sorority in college, and my pledge class is extremely close to this day. We try to get together three or four times a year at what we call our “Phiunions.” And yes, we are teased mercilessly by our “unphilevable” husbands for still referring to our reunions in such a way.

The baby shower was shared with Ashley, a girl that I actually roomed with the first semester of my junior year of college in Alpha Phi. Who would have thought back then that we’d be having baby girls within a week or so of one another?! Life is just crazy.

Our friends, Sherise and Liz, planned the shower at Mesh on Mass Ave in downtown Indy, and we shared a brunch that was reminiscent of Alpha Phi breakfast on Saturdays and Sundays. Though Ashley and I may not be living out Friday and Saturday night shenanigans, a few of the other girls still are, and it was just like old times hearing their stories of the night before.

The gift giving started out with a onesie guessing game. Each guest brought a onesie, and we had to guess who it was from. I have to say that Ashley and I did a pretty awesome job, despite the stress we put on ourselves to get it all right. After, we opened the rest of the gifts, each with a book for the babies instead of a card. These two little ones are going to be so well-read!

It was such a cute shower, and we can’t thank Liz and Sherise enough for the work they put into making it special for us! I’m so thankful that even after five years, my Phi sisters are my best friends and that every time I see them, we all just pick up where we left off. We had such an amazing time with one another in college, and those memories still continue through new jobs, new cities, marriages and now babies. I can only hope that Charlotte finds the same solid group of friends…you know, when she attends DePauw…and joins Alpha Phi. No pressure, Little Bit.

Knight & Westwood Church Baby Showers

The weekend after the Randolph family shower, Ryan and I headed down to Evansville for a two-for-one shower weekend. My Mom threw a shower for Charlotte on Saturday, and my Aunt Karen, with help from my Aunt Rachel and cousins, threw a shower for us after church on Sunday.

If you know me at all, you know I absolutely love fairy tales, magic, Disney, etc. So it was only fitting that my Mom threw a fairy-tale themed shower for me. The decor was whimsical, with vintage fairy tale etchings displayed on the tables, lanterns with tea lights and lots of baby’s breath and pink roses. Marmee also got quite creative with the menu.

Again, Charlotte was spoiled with lots of “pretty little clothes” (apparently, my exact words at the shower), toys (including her first tea set!) and her car seat. It was such a relaxing evening with my aunts and cousins, and I can’t thank them enough for everything they’ve provided already!

The next day, after church at Westwood, the women of Westwood showered Charlotte once more. There was lots and lots of delicious food as well as some words of wisdom passed down from my Grandma through my Aunt Karen. She told me not to set any expectations for Charlotte, and all of the other children we have as well, because what God does in their life will be far more than my expectations could ever conceive. She also pointed out that when we do set expectations for our children, it breaks our heart the day they are not met. For a person that loves planning and day dreaming of the future as much as I do, I really needed to hear that.

After the short devotion, I opened presents from women who have been in my life from the very beginning. To think that these women have known me and watched me grow up and are now providing for my own daughter is more than enough to make me get a little choked up. One of the women who made a baby blanket for me 27 years ago made one for Charlotte too. Another woman whose house I practically lived in while her granddaughter was visiting each summer said the blessing over our baby girl. It was a very touching shower and just reaffirmed that though I live over 300 miles away, Westwood is and will always be my true Church home.

Randolph Baby Shower

There is one surefire way to get over your “bump slump”: baby showers. This past Saturday, Ryan and I had our first shower with his side of the family, and to say that they spoiled us is a bit of an understatement.

The spread, which was all inspired by a different book. And yes, that is a Green Eggs and Ham cake, and it was every bit as tasty as it was awesome looking.
Going nuts over all of the girly gifts.

Books were the theme of the shower, and in addition to coordinating books with the food, like the Green Eggs and Ham cake that Alison had made, each family member brought a book with a note for Charlotte. We came away with quite the haul — 46 books total! Now, if all of that literature at her disposal doesn’t make her a baby genius, I don’t know what will.

The happy parents — Ryan just loves showers.

We also got lots of other wonderful gifts like our highchair, bottles and all of the necessary accessories, (Ryan, however, would argue that the bottle sterilizer is NOT a necessary accessory, but whatever, he already lost that battle.) and lots and lots and lots of girly clothes and shoes. She even started her college fund at this shower!

It was such a great celebration of what is to come, and if one thing is for sure, it is that Charlotte is going to be so loved by the Randolphs/Markwiths/Longs. I can attest to the fact that they’re amazing at making new additions feel so welcome and loved, and I’m so blessed to be a part of the family!

With Poppy and Nana